Wednesday, February 2, 2011

One Death: Multiple Rites

A Tamilnadu fisherman has been killed in the high seas for allegedly violating the international boundary. This is a second incident within a month. It is estimated that more than five hundred fishermen from Tamilnadu have been killed since the ethnic conflict erupted in the island nation. And as usual the latest killings too have been added to the official statistical data.

The killings have activated a series of reactions and the same have been on expected lines. Central & state governments issuing statements, external affairs ministry sending its emissary to Colombo, opposition crying foul, visit to bereaved families by political leaders, governments & political parties offering compensation and of-course Srilanka denying the role of its armed forces.

During the height of the conflict, it was habitual for Srilanka to accuse Indian fishermen of assisting the militants to smuggle their requirements and our men denying it vehemently. And on many instances, the over stretched navy over reacted. It viewed with suspicion even inadvertent violations or intrusions. But what's weird is the continuation of the attacks & killing of Indian fishermen even after the war coming to an end.

A lot has been said & discussed on various forums over the years. Every time after such a tragic incident, everyone who matters (or who think of themselves like that) - Politicians, Media, Intelligentsia, Film Industry & Tamil Nationalist Movements - act in a way that outperforms a well rehearsed play.

In this unfortunate saga, politicians are the most evil lot. The two big Dravidian parties DMK & ADMK take a stance depending on their political position, particularly their relationship with Congress, which always downplays these incidents.

Both PMK (Its founder Ramadoss is busy bargaining electoral seats for the forthcoming assembly elections) and VCK (Its leader Thol.Thiruma who went on fast unto death during the final stages of Eelam war is mysteriously silent now) act per their political compulsions.

MDMK is one party that conducts itself with some consistency irrespective of its alliance. DDMK is more interested in its tirade against DMK. Left parties, as usual, are a confused lot.

It is most unfortunate that BJP a major national party has never bothered to have a view in this problem. It is only now its showing some interest. Maybe, it is preoccupied with more "vital" issues like Ram Mandir, Afzal Guru, Lal Chowk and so on.

Next comes our celebrated media. The regional media, both the print and the electronic, have become more or less submissive to the ruling combine, with few exceptions. For the national media, particularly the electronic media, India ends with Vindhya ranges. Have you noticed even for the movie reviews its only Bollywood, no regional cinema. It was 24x7 throughout a week for the Obamas but a mere cursory mention on these unfortunate deaths.

Intelligentsia in Tamilnadu just pays lip service. In a recent article, the eminent historian Ramachadra Guga noted about the intellectuals' commitment to Naxal cause, "Intellectuals in cities, leading bourgeois lives among so many poor, sublimate their guilt by effusively & excessively endorsing the armed rebel". I feel our intellectuals try to "sublimate their guilt" in this issue by just penning poems. Moreover they are a divided house with inflated ego & colored views.

The most intriguing part is the explicable silent of the Tamil filmdom. But we shall not find fault with them, after all they are just poor ENTERTAINERS. From day immemorial, entertainers are supposed to keep the throne in good humor. And the tradition is being followed in letter & spirit. Kollywood always find time and the requisite energy to satisfy the king.

What is most baffling is the little - or for that matter - no action by the so called Tamil Nationalists. The very same leaders who made so much during the Eelam war have vanished into nowhere. But, I always have doubt over their sincerity on any Tamils' cause.

With the lives of 500+ families being shattered in the last twenty five years the fishermen of Tamilnadu are fast loosing faith in the system, if not lost already.

Eventually, as the bereaved families perform the last rites, both the polity & the civil society perform rites of their own that suits their agenda.

P.S: In the latest incident, Tamilnadu CM has met the PM. External Affairs Secretary visited Colombo as PM's special envoy. Both Governments have decided to take required steps. Political leaders have visited the bereaved family. Compensation made. With rites being over, the routine resumes.


  1. What about the social networking & blogging community? Whats their contribution?

  2. அண்ணே! அடிக்கடி தமிழில் எழுதுங்க, எனக்கு ஆங்கிலம் அவ்வளவா தெரியாது!
    அப்படியே பாலோயர் விட்கெட் வையுங்க!

  3. இந்த பதிவு மற்ற மொழி நண்பர்களையும் அடையவேண்டும் என்பதற்காக ஆங்கிலத்தில் பதியப்பட்டுள்ளது. மற்றபடி, ஆங்கில மோகமெல்லாம் கிடையாது.

  4. Gud initiative ..keep going..Expecting more..

  5. its reall y true, post our reviews regularly like it
